Section 600 - Education
Agricultural Education
We support the promotion of agricultural careers in our schools.---ID#: 2566/23
We favor the promotion of career and technical student organizations in all North Dakota secondary schools.---ID#:2621/23
Although the North Dakota Century Code 15.1-21-01.3(e) requires instruction in North Dakota studies, including agriculture, NDFB supports legislation that would require agriculture education included within the fourth and eighth grade North Dakota studies curriculum.---ID#: 2035/25
We believe a student who participates in an agricultural activity or program that promotes character, develops and teaches leadership skills and public speaking such as 4-H, should be credited as present by the school in which the student is enrolled in the same manner as an educational field trip. Local school boards should adopt a policy to
implement or support this resolution.--- ID#: 2520/25
We support continued state funding, and NDFB's participation, for agriculture in the classroom programs and other
educational programs that promote agriculture within schools at all levels.---ID#: 2002/24
We support the continued education of the public on the benefits of advancements and the use of technology in all avenues of agriculture, including developing and supporting educational opportunities for sharing those benefits.---ID#: 2666/24
We favor the development and implementation of curricula teaching accurate information about modern production agriculture.---ID#: 2317/25
Education Administration and Curriculum
We strongly encourage the state Legislature to evaluate all state universities to examine their effectiveness and value.---ID#: 2721/25
We oppose requiring teachers to have a major in every core class they teach.---ID#: 2561/23
We support the requirement of high school students to take at least one career and technical education (CTE) course
between grades 9-12.---ID#: 2675/24
We believe financial literacy should be a required part of North Dakota education curriculum.---ID#: 2709/25
We support local and state jurisdiction over our educational curriculum to best meet the development and vocational
needs of our students.---ID#: 2229/24
Social and DEI
We oppose Planned Parenthood using federal or state funds for continuing education classes.---ID#: 2617/23
We oppose the inclusion of critical race theory in the curriculum within the North Dakota education system.---ID#: 2488/25
We oppose any tax payer funded school from teaching our children gender modification. We recommend removing
all state and federal funding from schools that do not abide by this requirement.---ID#: 2648/24
We support public education in the basic three R’s of reading, writing and arithmetic. Social engineering is not the function of public schools. We support the elimination of all practice and wording of diversity, equity and inclusion
(DEI) in curriculum and policy within the North Dakota education system.---ID#:2713/25
Education Funding
We believe the North Dakota School Land Trust Fund should be made available to local school districts to reduce the cost of building educational infrastructure in North Dakota schools.---ID#: 2339/23
We support an educational reimbursement program to give parents and students school choice.---ID#:2655/24
We propose smaller schools receive higher funding per pupil than the bigger schools.---ID#: 1950/24
Higher Education
We support stronger and equitable reciprocity in our higher education institutions.---ID#: 2722/25
We encourage the installation of more agricultural education teacher programs and support the advancement of all multidisciplined agricultural studies at all North Dakota four year universities to protect the integrity of North Dakota's
agricultural heritage.---ID#: 2723/25
We believe land-grant colleges must provide an agricultural education to all college majors through general education.---ID#: 2742/25
We encourage colleges and universities to provide retail meat-cutting courses.---ID#: 2452/24
We support funding for Precision Agriculture and related programs at colleges and universities.---ID#: 2639/24
We support expanding the farm business management education program.---ID#:1862/23
School Lunches (State Lunch Programs)
We support the inclusion of traditionally raised meat and dairy products in state run meal programs.---ID#: 2315/25
We support the free and reduced lunch programs and the North Dakota Farm to School program in North Dakota schools.---ID#: 2284/25
We oppose the use of meat and/or dairy substitutes within government-funded programs.---ID#: 2567/23
We recommend placing more local produce on school menus.---ID#:2572/23
We support local determination of school lunch menus and portion sizes.---ID#:1852/23
We oppose the promotion of any "meat free" day.---ID#: 2134/23
Veterinarian Education
We support the Professional Student Exchange Program (PSEP) for veterinary students.---ID#: 2526/25
We support the continuation and development of veterinary medicine programs at North Dakota universities.---ID#: 2598/23
We encourage the development of practical veterinarian educational opportunities for producers.---ID#:2606/23
We support programs to provide more funding for veterinary school loans and financial aide programs to North Dakota
students and tuition reimbursement upon returning to the state to practice in food animal and large animal clinics---ID#:2699/24