


Download Event

Date/Time: Sunday March 06 at 

March 6-12, 2022 is the celebration of NDFB Week. The week focuses on all the achievements North Dakota agriculture is known for and the value of our beautiful land. 

Art contest for grades 4 and 5
This year, NDFB is holding an art contest for 4th and 5th graders. The drawing should represent one or more of the crops North Dakota is number one in. 
We will award a winner in each grade in the following categories:
-    Creativity and originality of the theme
-    Quality of artistic composition and overall design

All four winners will receive $50 each and will be published in the NDFB’s newsletter Focus. 

All entries must be in the Bismarck office by March 4. 

Click here to view and print the art contest entry form.

County activities scheduled




For more information, contact Lisa Hauf or Dawn Smith-Pfeifer

