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On Your Table Blog

May 13, 2021

Are you crash dieting for swimsuit season?

Are you crash dieting for swimsuit season?

Image by ErikaWittlieb from Pixabay

By Elizabeth Magee, LRD, RD

Another day, another swimsuit. That’s how it feels around here. Every time I check the mail, there’s a new swimsuit (or three) my daughter has ordered online. And she’s so excited about them, to get them, to try them on, to wear them. How did I produce a child that is so excited about swimsuits?? I get excited about swimming, the lake, warm vacations, but the swimsuit part isn’t what I’m excited about. I’m also not 14. Maybe that’s it.

My coworker mentioned needing to step-up her workouts because it’s almost lake season. I don’t really want to step-up my workouts; that sounds like a lot of work.

My friend called the other day saying, “If there was a pill to be skinny, I’d take it.” Full disclosure, she knows there is not. She’s very aware we are turning 40 and things are getting harder, sagging and not looking the way they used to. I’m aware of it too. It’s not cool.

I have a pile of swimsuits I need to try on and go through. I’m just avoiding. Suddenly, I’d rather clean the house. Weird.

It reminds me of the Full House episode when DJ starts starving herself and over-exercising because she has a pool party coming up. I know a lot of you know the episode. At the time, I didn’t fully understand the message but I do now; and I don’t worry about myself, I worry about my daughter and my stepdaughters and how they will seem themselves.

Will a crash diet be something they do? Will I notice if they start? Is it a big deal?

It is a big deal. Crash dieting is dangerous and can lead to so many unhealthy behaviors that may stick – even if it’s only for a short time.

Can you crash diet and lose weight? Yes, but I can guarantee you that no one who has your best interest in mind is going to suggest this; remember that. If you decide to crash diet, it’s not going to stick. It’s more than likely all water weight. You’re also not going to feel good unless you appreciate being dizzy, tired, crabby, not having regular bowel movements and not to mention being hungry. If I go a few hours without eating I tend to get the “Tired Hungry Disease.” I’m not so fun to be around then.

Long term it can lead to poor self-esteem, heart issues, thinning hair and a lot of disordered eating behaviors and thoughts.

I’m not a fan of most “diets” so I certainly can’t support crash dieting. I’m much more a promoter of moderation and trying to focus on eating all those nutritious foods we should be consuming, that our bodies like when we consume them.

This swimsuit season, learn to compliment your body. Find a swimsuit you like that works for you!! If you love it, wear it. Who cares? We look how we look; we have flaws and that’s okay. It doesn’t make you broken or not good enough, it makes you YOU. Embrace it. Love it. Deal with it. No one is probably even paying attention to you anyway, we’re too worried about ourselves.  

Elizabeth Magee is a registered licensed dietitian and loves chips and salsa! Elizabeth Magee is a licensed registered dietitian. Her posts appear monthly on OYT.

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