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On Your Table Blog

May 21, 2024

Blue at heart

Blue at heart

photo courtesy of Pixabay

by Heather Lang

Life is often perceived as valuable through the lens of material possessions, but those things really mean nothing. Having said that, I will be completely honest in saying that our family favors certain things in life. We bleed green and prefer vehicles of the Chrysler brand. Life is not measured by material things, but they sure do bring short-lived fulfillment. For instance getting an old school square body jacked up Dodge truck or a new Dodge Charger would be things that would make me feel young again and not just at heart. Splurging on a new-to-us John Deere tractor would bring us a sense of accomplishment. Investing in a Roomba so I can feel like I have a maid and, for a brief moment, escape from daily stresses would be a luxury I’ve only dreamt of. While these would indeed provide fleeting moments of happiness it is often short-lived, as the novelty wears off and the cycle of wanting more begins again.

I don’t get impressed by someone who goes to church every Sunday, envious of the size of their house, or jealous of any titles they might hold. I do admire those who consistently prove that they are good people. Those who will lend a helping hand without ever being asked, those who go out of their way to rearrange their schedule to better someone else, and those who are kind to your face and behind your back. I admire those who actively better themselves and the community without ever needing or wanting any recognition.

I saw a quote the other day that struck my core: “A lavish lifestyle might be impressive to others, but I’d rather have a simple lifestyle that holds more freedom.”

Blue is the true color of my heart, and my heart belongs to my blue-collar man. His physically demanding work is seen all over him, from his beaten body to his stained, callused hands, his muscular arms that are capable of lifting anything and shoulders that carry the weight of five generations. Years of working long days and even longer nights, making huge sacrifices for the better of his family because his foundation is built on faith and family. Some may look at his stained, torn jeans, scuffed-up boots, and scarred body and label him as uneducated. Some even pass judgment because of his older vehicles, smaller house, or the fact that his belongings might not be the newest or shiniest. My blue-collar man does not go on many vacations or indulge in many life luxuries. For these reasons, some may refer to him as a poor man. Those people could not be further from the truth.

I admire my blue-collar man’s work ethic, dedication to his family, loyalty and his grounded perspective on life. The moment he opens his mouth, it becomes evident how smart, funny and relatable he is. Appreciating the simpler things in life and prioritizing his family and relationships over fancy titles are admirable.

Our true fulfillment and lasting happiness is rooted in experiences, relationships, and personal growth. Meaningful connections with family and friends, pursuing passions, and contributing to the well-being of others often provide deeper and more enduring satisfaction. These elements of life promote a sense of belonging and purpose that material possessions cannot replicate.

To follow our story and journey, I invite you to follow us on Instagram @ndpiggytales.

Heather Lang and pigletHeather is the former NDFB District 7 Promotion and Education Committee member and is also a former American Farm Bureau Federation P&E member. She currently serves as the president of Burleigh County Farm Bureau. Heather and her husband, Lucas, raise animals and crops on a 5th generation farm near Bismarck.