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On Your Table Blog

September 15, 2023

Books, bites and dietary delights

Books, bites and dietary delights

By Elizabeth Magee, LRD

Things I love: Socializing, snacks, happy hour, reading, when it’s for fun – like Book Club.

Things I don’t love, or don’t feel I’m great at: Planning, food quantities, feeling confident in certain choices, ketchup, making decisions in general.

Worlds really collided this week when I had to host Book Club. All the things I love paired with certain things I really don’t love.

There are 12 of us in this book club (yes, we really do read the books for those wondering 😉). It works out perfectly because everyone “gets” to host once a year. I was dreading my time. Now that it has come and gone, I feel like I stressed a lot for nothing. And I miscalculated the food and had way too much!

Because I’m a people pleaser, I don’t like people feeling left out. I want to have food they like, wine they like, and a house that looks like it's at least partially cleaned up.

One of my friends is a vegan, one is gluten-free. And I want everyone to think all the food I make is delicious and the greatest thing they’ve ever eaten. Not likely, but I might as well strive for the highest.

The vegan of the crew never expects us to cater to her needs, ever. But we do our best and we have learned so many great plant-based options everyone can enjoy. Who knew vegan cheese dip is delish and that gluten-free pretzels taste way better than regular ones?!? When you have multiple restrictions or diets that need to be followed, it can be more complicated. It’s important to remember that not everyone needs to eat everything you have and that having options is great!

Do you have to buy special foods with labels like "Vegan” or "Gluten Free”? NO! It might make things easier, but sometimes it’s just a marketing ploy.

Options that are both vegan and gluten-free can be easy. Sometimes we just think too hard, and it throws us off. A lot of these things are staring us in the face, starting with fruits and vegetables. They are great for people trying to make healthier choices, and I always find that if I put them out, they get eaten! Here are a few other ideas:

  • Pair your veggies with hummus; fruit could go with peanut butter or a different nut spread.
  • If you haven’t tried Hippeas, they are a plant-based version of a cheese puff that’s also gluten-free – great for snacking.
  • Popcorn itself is gluten-free and vegan, find different toppings based on your needs!
  • Gluten-free pretzels and crackers may also be vegan; if you aren’t preparing specifically for a vegan, most meats and cheeses are gluten-free.
  • Include nuts and dried fruits.
  • Make a wholesome side dish with quinoa and add ingredients as appropriate.

Sometimes you can even adapt your favorite recipes with a little research on safe swaps. And never be afraid to ask the guest for preferences or advice! When in doubt, tell your guest you need suggestions or ask them to bring their favorite dish! They may be excited to share, and you might find some great new options you’re a fan of!

*If you have Celiac Disease always check the labels and brands as recipes can change!

Elizabeth Magee is a registered licensed dietitian and loves chips and salsa!Elizabeth Magee is a licensed registered dietitian. Her posts appear monthly on OYT.

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