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On Your Table Blog

December 19, 2022

Five days of yum!

Five days of yum!

With all the snow and storm days we've experienced in North Dakota lately, we've definitely gotten into the holiday baking spirit. So this entire week, we're sharing what we will henceforth refer to as The Five Days of Yum! in which we share family-approved recipes that you just have to try to believe.

First up, Amy Neurohr's Vanilla Popcorn. We feel like we need to add a warning to this recipe, however. Once you start eating it, you just might find you won't quit until it's gone! We're serious. It's. That. Good.

Says Amy in her understated way: "If you want an easy to make treat that will be a family favorite, then you need to try this recipe! It's delicious and easy to customize in so many ways. You can add nuts, M&M's or even change the vanilla extract to almond or maple extract. Enjoy!" (Oh, we will, Amy, we will!!!)

Vanilla Popcorn


3 quarts plain popped pocorn

1 cup white sugar

1/2 cup butter

1/4 cup light syrup

1/4 tsp. baking soda

1/2 tsp. vanilla extract


Pop popcorn into a large bowl and set aside.

air popping popcorn

In a saucepan, combine the sugar, butter, and corn syrup. Bring to a boil over medium heat. Boil and stir until the mixture is a golden color. This will take about 2 minutes.

getting out the old maids

Remove saucepan from heat and stir in baking soda and vanilla. Pour over popcorn and stir to coat. During the stirring process, look for and remove “old maids.” Cool slightly and break apart while still warm. Store in an airtight container to keep fresh. Although there’s a good chance the popcorn won’t be around long enough to worry about this last step!

Vanilla popcorn photo taken quickly, before it all disappeared!
The finished product, photographed before it was devoured!