by Carie Moore
Think back to your childhood, college, work experience… who made a difference in your life? Was there someone you could ask anything of? Was there someone who always had your back? Was there someone who introduced you to the job you have and love? Who taught you the key things you needed to know? Wouldn’t it be cool to have someone think of YOU when asked that question? What an honor!
We have so many young women up-and-coming in our communities. These women need us to take them under our wings and be a force to drive into the future. They are the next extension agents, 4H and FFA leaders, and teachers. They will be mentoring your children and grandchildren, so be there to mentor them!
In our communities we come across young women we want to come back after college and not forget about how small-town rural living is a great place to live and work. After they get internships and “real life” experience and think about settling down, we want their home roots to be their choice. Sure, the salary might not be as large as a big city, but neither is a home, cost of living, and the sense of safety. Job security will be greater, as will flexibility, and options to fit a job to your skills.
The future of our rural areas are young people, but young women specifically. If there are young women who will farm here and start families, our rural communities will be healthier.
When they come back, we need to welcome them, encourage them, and invite them along to places and meetings we attend. Build their confidence and roles in the community. Many women start their own businesses and keep Main Street buildings from being closed or run down. We all have jobs that someone is going to have to replace us with eventually. Why not have it be someone we mentored?
Watch this highly inspirational TEDx talk on mentoring that Carie shared in her presentation at Ladies Ag Night this past week: