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On Your Table Blog

December 3, 2020

Giving in a tough year

Giving in a tough year

by Carie Moore

You know when you are close to the end of something and you see the end but you’re so exhausted, so you just give it a final push to get to the finish? That is my relationship with 2020. I am going to make it the best month ever for my family (or attempt to, God willing). I didn’t lose anyone in my family and we all made it through physically unscathed. Mentally I can’t speak for all of us on that, but we’re here and functioning so that’s worth something right?

This week included Giving Tuesday. Now I don’t know about you, but that was overwhelming. It is a great concept and I support the mission behind it 100%. But how do you choose? As a mom, a farmer, a volunteer, and so many other things, how do you decide which one is more important or what to give to whom if you want to help more than one? Literally, email after email asking for donations. I get it, it’s been tough for non-profits. We’re all in the same boat.

One thing that is important to remember is that giving is more than money. Ask any child that. You can give your time. Volunteer at their next local event. Buy a membership. Be something to an organization, not just a dollar amount on a sliding scale posted on FaceBook.

When they need your help passing a bill, call your legislator. Send thank you cards telling them what their work means to you personally. Bring them coffee and doughnuts on a random day of the week.

Giving takes on all forms, and it means you personally doing something for someone else. You don’t have to feel bad or obligated when those requests start coming in. If you do have the money and you do support a single organization every year, that’s incredible and awesome and they are lucky to have you!

Another easy way you can give all year, and change it every year to continue to support numerous non-profits, is Amazon Smile. It’s not a lot, but its something. Let’s face it, most have made a good chunk of change with all the Prime orders this year, especially at my house. I try to change it up as I know certain organizations are in greater need, but I do have my go-to ones that I choose.

As we finish out this year, remember it's not about the money or gifts, it's about what you give. In 2020, I think the best thing we can give to others is love and grace. Have a great December!

Carie Moore, agriculture advocate

Carie M. Moore is the VP of Towner County Farm Bureau and is VP of Communications for American Agri-Women. She farms near Rocklake, N.D., and personally shares their farm life in “Tractor Rounds and Coffee Grounds"