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On Your Table Blog

June 15, 2022

Hydration, hydration, hydration

Hydration, hydration, hydration

By Elizabeth Magee, RD, LRD

The heat wave has officially hit. Summer is here and I’m excited about it. We’ve waited a long time for this. Let’s embrace it 😊

With the added heat and humidity comes the need for a reminder of staying hydrated. As all things nutrition seem to go, its not so simple as 8 cups a day everyday (if you are doing that, nice job AND keep it up, but also keep reading).

We can survive without food for days in most cases, its different for water. Dehydration can be deadly in days, in some severe cases even hours. But we do not have to have only water – you can, but if that bores you, you’re in luck.

New recommendations are around 11 cups of water/fluids for men and 16 cups for women. (Your needs may increase in the heat, if you’re sick, breastfeeding, or if you’re physically active). Most of this should come from water, but some foods can count – like fruits and veggies – so you have just one more reason to add these into your diet every day. Coffee and tea make the list and there is also a bit of room for something we consider more fun than water, such as flavored drinks that aren’t sugar sweetened beverages. That is something we should choose less frequently – only because as Americans, we drink too many of these.

Water obviously hydrates us but serves other purposes too if that piques your interest. It helps deliver nutrients to our cells and gets rid of waste (be it urination, bowel movements, and sweating). It helps us regulate our body temperature, cushions, and lubricates joints.

Sports drinks may come to mind, they may be in your fridge or your list to grab at the store. For most of us, water is really all we need to stay hydrated. Some of those just add up to extra sugar and extra calories we may not need. If you are buying these, I would choose the sugar free/zero sugar option to avoid the extras.

If your kids are complaining, I hear that! Still encourage them to drink water regularly and save the fun stuff for special treats or events.

The best way to tell if you’re hydrated or not is by paying attention when you’re in the bathroom. You’re looking for a pale yellow or light-colored lemonade. If it’s dark like Mountain Dew or darker, you’re dehydrated. And remember if you are feeling thirsty you are on your way to dehydration, so remind your kids to drink their water throughout the day!

Hopefully these tips will help you enjoy the heat and humidity that is on its way!! Happy Summer!!

Elizabeth Magee is a registered licensed dietitian and loves chips and salsa! Elizabeth Magee is a licensed registered dietitian. Her posts appear monthly on OYT.

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