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On Your Table Blog

October 7, 2020

I'm tired, and I bet you are too

I'm tired, and I bet you are too

By Heather Lang

My shoulders are heavy, my neck is strained, my head is pained and my heart aches. I bet yours do too. I’m tired.

I’m tired before I even get out of bed in the morning. All night long I worry about what my kids will have to deal with tomorrow, in the next 5 years. Kids are faced with adult sized worries – why? They are just kids, let them be kids.

I’m tired of all the hate. Your life matters, our neighbors’ lives matter. WE ALL MATTER. Jesus died for ALL of us.

I’m tired of being told where I can and can’t go. I’m tired of not being able to see my loved ones or embrace them. I’m tired of seeing the mental health of so many deteriorating. Many heroic men and women fought for our rights and our freedom, let’s not lose sight of that. I’m tired of running and hiding.

I’m tired of paying high prices at the grocery store yet receiving a very minute fraction of those dollars actually going back into the hands of those who grew and raised those foods you fuel your family’s body with.

I’m tired of pretending everything is okay.

It’s exhausting to have to continuously fight for your chosen livelihood. Always having to explain yourself, your worth, your purpose and your being when people just don’t want to listen because they already have their minds made up.

It’s exhausting working yourself to the bone just to feel farther behind than when you started. It’s exhausting to feel as if you are never getting ahead in life when it may seem as though everyone else is cruising along.

It’s exhausting getting pulled into various directions yet never having time for yourself.

I want to have a conversation that isn’t centered around political beliefs. Democrat, Republican, independent, or conservative – whatever you want to label, or not label yourself as, I DON’T CARE. We can still be friends without agreeing on everything. Be nice. Be kind. Be respectful and we will get along.

I want to be surrounded by acceptance and understanding, but we are human.  Judging is part of the natural sin that comes along with our human behavior. Have an open mind and loving heart. There is more than one side to every story. There is no perfect solution for everyone.

Life is so very exhausting, but oh so very worth it! It is often said that challenges are put in your path to see what you are made of.

To whomever needs to hear this: The grass isn’t always greener in your neighbor’s pasture. Please do not compare yourself to anyone else. Be kind. Have Respect. Share your smile because it is your light. Walk in faith. Love life. You only get one. You are enough. You are making a difference. You are loved and needed. You are meant for great things.

Heather Lang is a busy farmer and mom of threeHeather is the District 7 representative on the NDFB Promotion and Education Committee and is a member of the AFBF Promotion and Education Committee. She farms with her husband and three children near Sterling.