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On Your Table Blog

November 21, 2019

My top 5 distractions

My top 5 distractions

by Carie Moore

We all say, “I don’t have enough time." Or maybe we do, but we don’t use it in the best way possible because we get distracted.

You know when you sit down to do something that needs to be done but before you know it, you're not doing what you sat down to do? I’m not talking about kids needing help with homework. That's not so much a distraction, but more like a necessity. We all have our distractions. And it's not procrastination either because it’s not intentional avoidance. Maybe you can feel my pain and the struggle that ensues when I try to attack something I need to do or should do!

My top five distractions:

1. Housework! Seriously. When I sit down to do something, I will notice every dish not washed, crumb on the floor, sock hidden under the stool, or Lego on the counter behind the water jugs. It's rather odd how I don’t notice them until I stop moving. But when I do notice, I have to take care of it RIGHT now or it will drive me mad!

2. Noise. I like it quiet, calm and mellow; where I can think and hear myself think. White noise is not my friend. That little fan above the stove that gets left on, drives me crazy!!! The washing machine in the spin cycle just slightly out of balance? Don't get me started!

3. Phone/Internet. This includes me thinking it’s not even on until I sit down and then it’s a minefield (texts, emails, Facebook, snapchat, calls). I try to ignore it but as a mom you can’t. It might be important. Then I get a notification from Amazon prime that they recommend for me some hot pink leather leggings which for some reason reminds me I need to look up coffee syrup for my lattes at home or I wonder what kinds of snack there are on pantry for the kids next month. Oh, I’m a top fan this week on a Facebook site, awesome. Look at this cool filter somebody developed. I better see how I look with it on and hashtag it #hardatwork

#hardatwork snapchat filter

4. Random to-dos. I left my charger in the tractor, I should really go get that. I forgot that cookie from the café in the freezer, I better go hide it before the kids find it. I should really catch up on my website and Twitter. I should check and see if I have any broccoli and shrimp left to make some alfredo this next week. I wonder if my mom picked up my JCP order last week when I asked her?

5. Coffee. I need more coffee because it’s either cold or empty now.