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On Your Table Blog

October 26, 2021

No food fear

No food fear

Even years after the myth that cattle are destroying the planet was debunked, a story appearing on local television news, from a national source, is still beating the "don't eat meat" drum to help save the planet.

This national reporter, used old "facts" about cow belches and methane being more dangerous than transportation to the future of the planet. And his final statement in the "report" was basically, we could solve a lot of problems if people would just quite eating meat. It's such a simplistic statement that doesn't take into account how interconnected crop and livestock farming are and how much of our lives depend on that interconnectedness. We ran stories on this site in May 2018 and again in December 2018 featuring University of California animal science professor Frank Mitloehner and Dr. Sara Place, respectively, debunking the "meat is killing the planet" myth.

Follow both of them on Twitter (@drsplace and @GHGGuru) and you will find a wealth of knowledge that shows that, even though the climate footprint of cattle is grossly overestimated by some, farmers and ranchers have been quietly reducing emissions through sound business practices. And the dedication to finding ways to further reduce agriculture's carbon footprint is ongoing.

Another great resource to follow is the Animal Ag Alliance. Stats on its Twitter feed frequently highlight how farmers and ranchers are always finding ways to do more with less, like this tweet from October 21

Advancements in breeding and genetics have helped turkey farmers raise more birds with less feed!

Turkey (bird)Ear of maize

Or this one from October 15:

Raising and producing beef has only gotten more sustainable over time! The U.S. beef community, through continued sustainability efforts and improved resource use, has reduced emissions per pound of beef while producing more beef per animal.

Earth globe americasCut of meat

Or this one from October 26:

Compared to 1960, Egg farmers have made significant strides in minimizing their environmental impact with the help of technological advancements and improved animal husbandry practices.

Earth globe americasChicken

The bottom line? There is no reason to fear your food. The farmers and ranchers who grow and produce it eat the same food you do. And they take pride in what they produce and grow for you and their own families.

So enjoy that beef burger, savor that turkey sandwich and scramble those eggs knowing you are feeding your family with some of the safest, most nutritious food possible AND doing your part to keep the planet healthy at the same time!