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On Your Table Blog

December 7, 2018

Questions answered, part 2

Questions answered, part 2

You ask, we get answers. Here is another GMO-related question that was asked of one of our bloggers.

“Why are transgenic GMOs safe? What types of studies have been done?"

We reached out to GMO Answers to find out more and they provided us with this:

Please see here for more on the safety of GMOs from the International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications (ISAAA):

Using traditional and modern methods superior plant varieties are produced with improved characteristics that make them grow better or more desirable to eat. GM crops are developed using the tools of modern biotechnology where precise tools are used to introduce only the desirable traits into a plant. In contrast, in traditional plant breeding, genes from two parents are mixed in many different combinations in the hope of getting the desired trait. Both methods have the potential to alter the nutritional value of plants or lead to unintended changes in concentration of natural toxicants or anti nutrients. However, these concerns maybe less frequent in transgenic plants since only a limited number of genes are transferred during genetic modification, unlike when traditional breeding methods are used.

Foods derived from GM crops have undergone more testing than any other food in history. Before entering the marketplace, they are assessed using guidelines issued by several international scientific agencies such as the World Health Organization, the Food and Agriculture Organization, and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Read the rest of the post on the ISAAA website here: Are foods derived from GM crops safe?