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On Your Table Blog

July 20, 2022

Shrimp in Grand Rapids

Shrimp in Grand Rapids

Image by Markus Spiske from Pixabay

by Kelli Bowen

There’s a little town in LaMoure County called Grand Rapids, and just outside of Grand Rapids, is a little jewel of a place called LaMoure County Memorial Park. This is where Hubby, Miss E, Miss A and I spent last weekend.

The park sits along the James River and has a campground with modern restrooms and shower houses. Each spot has a picnic table and campfire barrel. Another thing I like about this particular campground, is there are dumpsters interspersed throughout the campground. I hate hunting for somewhere to deposit garbage.

There are large mature trees offering lots of shade, lots of greenspace and a (pretty legit) playground in the center. With a golf course within walking distance, it’s a great place to hang out for the weekend. We generally meet relatives, eat all of the food, get a visit or two from the local raccoon wildlife, and have a relaxing weekend.

camping with a group is all about the food

Whenever we camp, especially when meeting others, it’s about the food. Sometimes we want to mix it up from the average burger and hotdog rotation, don’t get me wrong – I friggin' love burgers and hotdogs, so this past weekend we brought shrimp.

We were packing food into coolers pre-weekend and we were a SMIDGE overloaded, so I opened the end of the shrimp bag, squeezed out all of the air, and then zipped it shut. PERFECT. We were on our way. After a quick stop to pick up “She’s A Beaut,” I put the food in the fridge, and headed down the road.

After we arrived, I introduced our kids to some kin and sent them to the park to burn off some energy. When I stepped back into the camper, I hear Hubby: “We will NEVER take shrimp camping again.” Turns out while bouncing down the road, the bag of shrimp tipped over and oozed down the inside of the fridge, over the other food, and then onto the floor when the door was opened. I apparently did not zip it shut as well as I thought.

The cooked shrimp was delicious though. I just put shrimp in tinfoil, squeezed a couple lemons onto it, a little bit of butter and a couple cranks of cracked pepper and it was a quick and easy option for the grill.

Maybe the next time I’m at LaMoure County Memorial Park, I’ll try duck instead of shrimp…

Kelli Bowen Kelli makes her home in Cass County with her husband, two daughters (10 and 7) and two dogs. She works for a regional seed company by day and tries to be an alright mom, wife, friend and writer by night.

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