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On Your Table Blog

February 26, 2025

Spring things

Spring things

Image by Melanie from Pixabay

by Kelli Bowen

It isn’t even March, but springtime is getting pretty intense in my household. You see, when we moved from the east side to the west side, one of my “bargaining chips” was telling my children we would get chickens. Fun fact: western NoDak, very Libertarian mindset. It’s more of a you-do-you vibe and not a “Oh Heavens, your choice, though not directly impacting me, makes me have feelings that I don’t like, so stop it.”

Anyhoo, we are closing in on a year and we haven’t gotten chickens yet, which my children remind me of daily. Miss E has just started swapping animal requests: cat, snake, mouse, dog, just waiting to see where we land.

stuffed chicken will soon be replaced with the real thing

Yesterday I did it. I ordered a chicken coop and a rabbit hutch. That’s right: in 7-10 business days, we should have the blueprints and materials for Hubby to build a shelter for some new yard-dwelling friends.

To tell you Hubby is thrilled…would be a bold-faced lie. He is very annoyed, but being a decent sport, and being completely outnumbered by oooing and cooing girls, he will allow this freedom-crusher to occur.

I’m dreaming of a garden that won’t grow in this arid western soil, so maybe I’ll try strawbale gardening or potted veggies?!?

Miss A has been fiendishly searching online for bunny toys, and is riding the high of being so close to the soon-to-snuggle cuteness. She also has a list of little girls who paid her zero attention, who now want to schedule bunny-snuggling play dates.

“Mom! Sally wants lots of play dates when the bunnies come!”

“You mean Sally who never wants to play, has her “old friends,” and didn’t invite you to her birthday party?”

“Yep!” As Miss A dances into her room, reveling in her new-found inclusion.

I don’t want to ruin their excitement. With critters and playdates, hopefully we are looking down the barrel of an exciting and snuggle-filled spring. Except for Hubby: he’ll be muttering in the shed, probably with some rum.

Kelli BowenKelli makes her home in Billings County with her husband, two daughters and a dog. She works for North Dakota's #1 tourist destination by day and tries to be an alright mom, wife, friend, and writer by night.

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