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On Your Table Blog

July 17, 2024

Summer clock

Summer clock

By Kelli Bowen

I walked into a store yesterday and a giant skeleton was there to greet me. It’s official: summer is over.

Okay, maybe not really, but that skeleton put the internal end-of-summer countdown clock in my head. I mean, August is right around the corner, which means school is basically in session, the leaves will be turning, pumpkin spice everything, and then BAM winter holding us in her ever icy embrace. I hope you liked the two weeks of summer, people, 'cause it’s all over!

I don’t know if that’s the intention when retail stores put the seasonal decor out: to give us all anxiety that our lives are flying by at a breakneck pace, but it does. Well played Costco. Now, I need to hit the bakery section for some comfort carbs as I make a mental list of what we have yet to cram into this summer to make it a well-spent summer.

We do have an advantage, living where we live. We have access to summer fun right outside our door. We can wander out to take a dip in the lazy river of Point to Point park, ride the Manitou zip line, or go mini golfing at the drop of a hat. We’ve had many a steak on the Tjaden terrace enjoying a pitchfork steak fondue, and watched “the greatest show in the west” several times. I think my kids go through withdrawals if we don’t see the Medora Musical at least once a week.

Hubby just bought a boat battery, so we can get the boat into a body of water this year, instead of admire her in the garage.

The camper is in pole position in our driveway, just waiting for our next adventure, so back off mister skeleton, we aren’t done with summer yet!

If your internal end-of-summer clock is ticking loudly in your ear, don’t fret: we have plenty of summer left. Fight the urge to go back-to-school shopping and enjoy these last weeks of summer.

If you need an idea of where to go for a fun summer getaway, you know I know a place! Plus, I know where to find the best ice cream. Long live summer!

Summer Medora Musical

Kelli BowenKelli makes her home in Billings County with her husband, two daughters (11 and 9) and a dog. She works for North Dakota's #1 tourist destination by day and tries to be an alright mom, wife, friend, and writer by night.

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