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On Your Table Blog

April 4, 2019

Super-baker, I'm not!

Super-baker, I'm not!

by Carie Moore

How many times do you second guess yourself? Do you look at a picture of yourself and criticize what you see? Do you wonder if you’re providing enough for your family no matter how much you do?

Now, imagine how you would feel if you son or daughter questioned themselves or hated what they saw in the mirror or didn’t feel like anyone thought they were good enough?

We would encourage them, right? We would tell them they are beautiful inside and out and they’re always good enough no matter what. Then we would tell them we don’t want to hear them talking that way about themselves!

We were all created with gifts and talents. We were made for a purpose. Criticizing ourselves and putting ourselves down or comparing ourselves to other moms and wives gets us nowhere.

You won’t be everyone’s cup of tea, coffee, or whiskey! Some of us try to fit someone else’s mold, and it’s exhausting. I’ve always strived to be me. If I don’t like something about myself, I need to do something to change it, not look at someone and think less of myself.

Sometimes people are better at some things. That’s their gift and they are using it. You have a gift too, just like your kids, and your spouse, and your friends. It’s easier to see gifts in others, so sometimes we need to stop and ask a few people, “What are my strengths?” or “What is something I do that you think I am good at?” Not only will it build your self confidence, but it will also help to inspire you and drive you toward talents you maybe didn’t realize you had.

My friend, Heather and I at an NDFB conference.

When you discover who you really are, you become a happier, more satisfied person. Things you do with your talents will be more rewarding and won’t seem to be work. And although there will always be room for improvement, you will be more apt to push yourself if you are already naturally good at something.

I’ve told people I’m not the one to call if you need a super fancy item for a bake sale. If you need something moved or dirty work done, I’ll be there. I have been criticized for that, but I wasn’t given the talent of super baker. I was given muscles and determination. So, I will use those and the people who can bake, thank you!

We’re all different, we’re all unique. Sometimes you have to look and search a little more to get to the “goods” but once you do that, you will be surprised at what you find.

Keep at it, you’re doing great and you are great. A great mom, wife, sister, grandma, aunt, and woman. You are a gift. Don’t forget that, because who doesn’t love getting a gift?!?!