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On Your Table Blog

December 13, 2019

Supporting those who support farmers

Supporting those who support farmers

by Carie Moore

As a farmer in today’s world, I have learned like most consumers, to look at what I’m purchasing. Although we may look at the same things like carbs, sugars, and ingredients, I also look for products that support me (a farmer).

Our choices are more limited here than for those in big cities but I try to buy from those who make it clear they support farmers. Some farmers and ranchers don’t buy from those who don’t support us, but those companies are everywhere and honestly it’s not that hard to come out and say you are against something. Who isn’t? It takes more integrity, more courage, and more risk to actually stand up for something and go against the grain and suffer backlash. By taking a risk to say what you are FOR, you’re standing up for farmers like me. I have more confidence and faith in myself and my product with people who support me rather than someone who puts me down. So sometimes, I may not stop buying a specific product, because I do understand the reason behind it, but I am more likely to switch a purchase in support of because of stick-to-it-ivness!

For instance, we don’t eat fast food a lot, but when I lived in Wisconsin I was introduced to Culvers. They now have restaurants in North Dakota and if we do grab fast-food we go to Culvers. I know the food is legit and supporting families like me. I know people whose products are sold by Culvers personally and I am proud for what they have done as a family and a business in the corporate world. They understand agriculture is a culture and a business. So they have our vote.

Culvers - thank you farmers

We have changed/shared our takeout pizza as well. One place that hasn’t outwardly stated anything, but we noticed on their take-out box that the pizza products are listed and what ag commodity they come from. This is awesome and mirrors NDFB’s Special Assignment Pizza where kids learn first-hand how pizza is made. The other company outwardly endorsing our work is Dominos, not only in statements, but on their pizza boxes. The best thing they have done to support agriculture directly is offered 1 topping pizzas during harvest for an astonishing low price to us. They were cheaper than the frozen ones we usually have at midnight. I purchased 10, sealed pieces, froze them, and out they went into lunch boxes ready to eat by noon.

Jimmy Johns has also declared agriculture as a positive industry and even went so far as to come to North Dakota to film a commercial in the middle of a wheat field. What says farming more than a cold sandwich?!

Other companies have made their negative marks and there are so many, I don’t have time to honestly dig into them. Some may just be a media ploy and you have to sort out fact from fiction. That’s why we encourage consumers not believe everything you hear.

The people who stand up and say good things are the people who stand out. We all get tired of dealing with negativity and we naturally gravitate to positivity, or at least we should!

If you want to be heard in any situation, speak for what you believe; not what you think others think you should believe or want you to believe. If you’re genuine in what you have to say, you’ll kill more flies with honey than vinegar!