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On Your Table Blog

December 16, 2019

Tree or no tree? That is the question

Tree or no tree? That is the question

Image by Manfred Richter from Pixabay

by Jolyn Wasem

Hey guys, I am going to let you get a glimpse into my crazy life! I am not sure what it is about this year, but I know I am not the only one who feels behind, like I just can’t catch up. I feel like a dog trying to catch my tail, only I am like my corgi: short, a little overweight, and with a little nub tail that I will never catch. Only I haven’t come to terms with that yet, so I drink more coffee, go faster and just keep trying.

It dawned on me the other day when I heard an ad on the radio for Christmas trees, that I don’t have a tree. It isn’t that I haven’t had time to get one, as much as it is, I have been so busy I straight up, legitimately, forgot about it. This isn’t a question of real or fake this is…. THE CHRISTMAS TREE! The place where Santa puts the gifts, the place for the angel to sit, the main staple in Christmas décor.

So, will this be the Christmas that Santa just puts the presents in a pile on the living room floor? Typically I would freak out. I used to be a really organized person, with the motto “plan your work and work your plan.” Then I became a full-time rancher and a stay at home mom. I am telling you this because all the ranchers know you can plan your work, and then the cows get out, the vet reschedules, or something breaks down and there goes your plan. You have to learn to accept change and that has been hard for me.

With Christmas approaching rapidly, I think of what I remember Christmas to be. My mom was a rockstar at decorating, the house was always beautiful, it really was perfect! My favorite part was coming down the stairs Christmas morning, and seeing the tree with all the presents under it and then finding my stocking! There was always an overabundance of Christmas cookies and candy and a wonderful Christmas dinner.

I have tried to hold myself to these standards, but this year, I feel like I am failing! This reminded me of a sermon I had heard a few years ago, reminding us about the night our Savior was born. The King of the World was born in a stable, a dirty old stable. This wasn’t where we might imagine a king to be born, but He was. A perfectly imperfect place. It is a good reminder to me that Christmas doesn’t have to be perfect. It will come and go whether my house is decorated, whether I get a tree or not, and whether I am ready or not.

I can choose to focus on all of the things I forgot to do, or didn’t get done, or I can choose joy. I can choose to live each moment for what it is and enjoy it. I hope if you are finding yourself frantic in these next few days, you will take a moment to breathe and remember what Christmas really is about. For me, it is the birth of our Savior and spending time with family. For you it might be something different, but no matter what, I hope you enjoy each perfectly imperfect moment. My “plan” is to get a tree on Friday. We’ll see how that goes!

Merry Christmas!