Image by RitaE from Pixabay
By Wanda Patche
Dear HyVee,
It pains me to write this letter. You are my “go to” grocery store. I really like your store, I buy groceries from you and I love that your roots are in the Midwest. But, lately, I have noticed that you are falling into the “marketing fear” that all us farmers dread. Today, while perusing through my newsfeed, I noticed this sponsored ad:
Yes, you are promoting larger chickens with no antibiotics – ever. As a farmer, I would love nothing better than to never use antibiotics on our farm. But if our pigs are sick, we have an obligation to help them. It’s our responsibility. Over the years, we have made huge strides in preventing illnesses, but sometimes, it’s just not enough. If antibiotics are needed, we work closely with a veterinarian and a prescription is given if needed. We also comply with the withdrawal periods to ensure no animal leaves our farm with antibiotic residue. I also know raising chickens is different than raising pigs. So kudos to those that can raise their chickens with no antibiotics ever. But here is my concern. I read through the comments and realized there were a couple comments that needed responding...
Go to Wanda's blog post Dear HyVee, What is Your Responsibility to find out what comments Wanda responded to. (And thank you, Wanda, for putting yourself out there to correct misinformation!)