By Kelli Bowen
Today is the first day of summer. It is the longest day of the year for daylight. Starting now, Father Time will slowly steal moments of sunshine from us as we plunge into ever-colder, darker days, and I cannot wait!!
I am not along: last night Hubby and I were on the deck and he stated: “I must be a true North Dakotan: I’m ready for fall.”
That’s right you hunka hunka burning love, I too am sick of feeling like a hunka hunka burning bacon.
I have friends who said during blizzard 187, “I’d better not hear anyone complain it’s too hot this summer!”
Hi. I’m anyone. I will NEVER complain it’s too cold, so THIS is my time and guess what?
It’s too hot.

We don’t live here for warm beaches and umbrella drinks. We like autumn. We like flannels and bonfires and leaves falling and bugs dying and dressing in layers.
I can appreciate summer. I like kayaking and baseball and camping and swimming and boating and sitting on my deck without seeing my breathe, but I like autumn more.

Until we reach that magical season, enjoy your hot-garbage air you spaghetti strap wearing weirdos. Hubby and I will be over here hoping we have a brief (hopefully) season where don't experience the Blast Furnace of Hades and we hope for rain and the temperature to “get down” to a desirable temperature.
Stay cool my friends. We broke heat records yesterday in the eastern side of the state. Does anyone else smell bacon?
Kelli makes her home in Cass County with her husband, two daughters (10 and 7) and two dogs. She works for a regional seed company by day and tries to be an alright mom, wife, friend and writer by night.
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