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On Your Table Blog

February 27, 2023

Motivation Monday part 2: Leap of faith

Motivation Monday part 2: Leap of faith

by Sheridan Visser

Whether you are moving to a new area or taking on new endeavors I want to share with you a tidbit of hope and inspiration. My name is Sheridan, and last week I shared this thought: Bloom where you are planted. This week, I’m encouraging you to take a leap of faith.


“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” Neale Donald Walsch

Try new things. If you find yourself in a rut, try something new. You don’t want to look back on life and realize you lived the same year over and over for 70 years. For me, it was being fully immersed in ranch life, learning to rope and joining the fire department. Not only did it expand my network, but it also opened up exciting opportunities that made my life more enjoyable.

Don’t limit yourself to what you think you are capable of. You are so very capable of things that you have yet to even know exist. This was me before my big move. I did not grow up in a ranching community, but ranching tends to have a way of putting you in situations where you learn these skills quickly. Due to necessity, I can now wrestle calves just as good (if not better) than most men out there, I am becoming a respected roper in the branding pen and I can face my fears in sticky situations when doctoring cows/calves in the pasture.  

Doing something is always better than doing nothing. One successful step forward gives you the courage to take another, and every great venture and personal growth starts with the first step. When you find yourself doubting if you should take another leap of courage, just do it.

I have come to appreciate the people that make up my new community and the neighborly culture that comes with it. Rural North Dakota consists of some of the hardest working, selfless, and caring people you will ever meet. They are resilient and they want to see others succeed and they go to great extents to help their fellow neighbors.

I also made myself a priority among all the other things and set aside time to take care of myself.  You can get involved, find your tribe, and try new things until the cows come home, but if you are running on an empty tank then all the other things may become added stresses. Fuel your mind, body and soul with what it needs.

Life is a crazy and ever-changing roller coaster, but each bend, twist and curve has the opportunity to be enjoyed or overcome. Just like being on a roller coaster, the more you try to fight it the scarier it seems. So throw your hands up, embrace the changes and choose how you are going to take on this crazy ride we call life.

If you missed part one, read it here.

Sheridan is the District 9 representative on the NDFB Young Farmers and Ranchers Committee.