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On Your Table Blog

April 26, 2023

Soft foods and snuggles

Soft foods and snuggles

By Kelli Bowen

I have terrible eyesight. I’ve had glasses since I was 12. Hubby was blessed with great vision up until the last year or so when he realized fuzzy font is not actually a trend, he just can’t see up close.

As an adult, I have dreamed of fixing my eyesight. It seemed like anytime I had enough money saved up, some expense would come along AKA “children,”

In fact, Miss E has the most beautiful smile, thanks to orthodontia. I believe we’ve put more money in her mouth than it would cost to laser correct all of the eyes of all the people in our family. She is rounding the final corner to perfecting her smile.

Just in time for Miss A to start. Our latest in a long line of expenses to drain my medical savings, Miss A needs her cross-bite fixed and teeth straightened. Huzzah.

She had a metal torture-device implanted into her mouth with a key and expander. Those ortho people even gave us a flyer saying it shouldn’t be painful. Guess what?

They lie. Miss A is hurting. She once had a failed-attempt backflip onto to her head resulting in a hospital stay when she was a fresh 5 years old and didn’t complain much. Miss A has been moaning and whimpering. She told me that she visited the nurse’s office twice today and skipped lunch to drink her applesauce snack, but then was snack-less in the afternoon, so she was hurting and hungry.

So after work, I met Hubby and dropped Miss A with him, then turned around, drove 30 miles the opposite direction to the grocery store to stock up on soft foods.

Instant potatoes, jello, pudding cups, applesauce, baked beans, and spaghettios made it into the cart. I was on a mission: Miss A’s favorite comfort foods that were of the liquid or soft-diet persuasion.

When I walked in the door 15 hours after I’d left this morning with a supply of food for our in-pain youngest, she said she was going to text me…she needed me…and snuggles.

I may not be able to fix my eyesight in the near future, but I can fix Miss A, with a snack pack and snuggles. If you need me, that’s where I’ll be. I just may not be able to see you.

Worth it.

Kelli Bowen Kelli makes her home in Cass County with her husband, two daughters (10 and 7) and two dogs. She works for a regional seed company by day and tries to be an alright mom, wife, friend and writer by night.

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