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On Your Table Blog

August 28, 2020

Zucchini/summer squash bread

Zucchini/summer squash bread

With more people gardening, chances are there are a few extra zucchini's floating around out there. And we're always looking for creative ways to include zucchini or summer squash into our favorite recipes.

summer squash

Here's a go-to bread machine bread from Brenda Gorseth, Dist. 5 representative on the NDFB Promotion and Education Committee. She says it's a great recipe, and we totally trust her opinion. (And not just because she runs a catering and custom baking business, Woodward Farm.)

Summer squash/zucchini bread


In a bread machine, put the following ingredients in order:

1 cup milk, heated for one minute in microwave

1 1/2 cups shredded summer sqush (zucchini or yellow)

2 Tbs. fat (bacon grease, margarine, shortening)

4 tsp. honey

1 tsp. salt

4 cups bread flour

2 1/4 tsp. yeast


Use the "dough" selection on your bread machine and when done, form into 2 loaves; I weigh out 22 oz. for a large loaf and 15 oz. for a smaller one. Let rise for 45 minutes and bake at 335 for 35 minutes on lowest rack. Remove from pans after ten minutes to cool (failure to remove makes for a soggy crust).