by Kelli Bowen
Summer is in full-swing. Devil’s-breath-summer. Seriously? WHY is it so stinking hot already?!?
This has been the week of Miss A. From Vacation Bible School to baseball to the orthodontist to swimming, this girl does it all…other than provide her own transportation. She only travels by foot or by someone driving her around, and it usually isn’t the former.
Take today. I picked up Miss A from VBS and we made a beeline for the pool. After throwing on her swimsuit in the car and packing in as many cannonballs as possible into the 52 minutes left of the afternoon swim session, we headed home for dinner.

Hubby needed to get home, get showered and we all needed food in our systems, so throw a pizza in the oven and find Miss A’s baseball gear. Everyone is dressed, fed, and we have 45 minutes to get to a town 37 miles away. As we head to the car, I see Miss A has her glove looped around the end of her bat, and she’s dragging her bat along the floor next to her bare feet…bare feet?
“You need socks in cleats Miss.”
Miss A facepalms and runs down the stairs in search of socks. How is she so forgetful???
We all hop in the car, cruise the almost-hour down the highway, drive around the small town hosting this evening’s game and put the car in park.
A voice from the backseat says: “What’s wrong with me? I forgot my glove.” Now this is only Miss A’s third game of the season and she also forgot her glove for Game 2. I don’t know WHERE her unorganized tendencies come from.
“How could you forget your glove??? It was ON the end of your bat.”
“I forgot my bat.”
Miss E sensing the tension fill the car, bolted for the park. Thankfully Miss A’s potential future father-in-law was coaching the game prior, so she borrowed a glove, used someone else’s bat and she was good to go.

After a successful baseball game, the post-game-playground-run, Miss A successfully pushed, I mean suggested, I get another mom’s phone number for future play date scheduling. I did. I do believe she has successfully completed a summertime Bingo for the perfect summer day.

Now where did I put those dang car keys…oh, wait…I figured it out.
Kelli makes her home in Cass County with her husband, two daughters (10 and 7) and two dogs. She works for a regional seed company by day and tries to be an alright mom, wife, friend and writer by night.
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