About NDFB - Meet the Staff


An image of Jeffrey Missling-Executive Vice President and CEO

Jeffrey Missling

Executive Vice President and CEO

General administration. Oversight of staff and coordination of leadership training efforts throughout the state. Tracks membership numbers and coordinates statewide membership recruitment and retention plan. Partners with agribusiness for mutually beneficial programs. Sources funding for the NDFB Foundation, and coordinates NDFB strategic plan implementation.

An image of Valerie Gordon-Assistant Treasurer

Valerie Gordon

Assistant Treasurer

Manages financial activities of NDFB, the NDFB Foundation, the NDFB PAC and the North Dakota Farm Bureau PAC including accounting, purchases, payments, data processing and human resources.

An image of Joey Bailey-Director of Organizational Development

Joey Bailey

Director of Organizational Development

Oversees NDFB field staff. Serves as staff liaison to state-level Young Farmer and Rancher Committee and the Promotion and Education Committee.


An image of Emily Evert-Assistant Corporate Secretary

Emily Evert

Assistant Corporate Secretary

Membership verification and changes, county membership lists, arrangements for Executive Vice President and NDFB Board of Directors, logistics for NDFB Board meetings, update monthly county board meeting agendas, maintain and update Route 1000 records.


An image of Megan Hanson-Director of Member Relations

Megan Hanson

Director of Member Relations

Oversees evaluation and implementation of member benefits. Develops and conducts NDFB Foundation fundraising activities. Assistant field staff in conducting farm visits and other duties as needed.

An image of Darlene Thomason-Member Services/Office Coordinator

Darlene Thomason

Member Services/Office Coordinator

Membership, processes and distributes new membership cards, member benefits, county membership lists, monthly membership reports, NDFB Annual Meeting coordinator, Farm and Ranch Conference logistics, leadership directory updates, promotional items and orders.

An image of Jill Vigesaa-Food, Land and People Coordinator

Jill Vigesaa

Food, Land and People Coordinator

Coordinates Project Food, Land and People workshops and outreach.


An image of Pete Hanebutt-Director of Public Policy

Pete Hanebutt

Director of Public Policy

Represents NDFB on legislative and regulatory issues, serves as an issue strategist and analyst, prepares informational backgrounders for member dissemination, assists in public policy development process of county Farm Bureaus, coordinates special and ad hoc committees, and establishes relationships with elected officials.

An image of Emmery Mehlhoff-Public Policy Liaison

Emmery Mehlhoff

Public Policy Liaison

Assists in representing NDFB during legislative session and conducts research in support of the organization’s public policy function.

An image of Lisa Hauf-Director of Public Relations

Lisa Hauf

Director of Public Relations

Focus and Leader Update editor, news releases, media inquiries, media planning, brand marketing, assists public policy division with information dissemination, Route 1000. 

An image of Dawn Smith-Pfeifer-Director of Content and Communications

Dawn Smith-Pfeifer

Director of Content and Communications

Content development and management, promotional material oversight and design, NDFB website, On Your Table blog, social media, radio, video.

An image of Amy Neurohr-Administrative Specialist

Amy Neurohr

Administrative Specialist

Manages office. Assists with public policy, public relations and communications activities of the Bismarck staff. AFBF Convention planning.

NDFB Field Staff

An image of Megan Overby-Northeast Field Representative

Megan Overby

Northeast Field Representative

Provides support and leadership development opportunities for NDFB members in Benson, Cavalier, Eddy, Foster, Grand Forks, Griggs, Nelson, Pembina, Ramsey, Steele, Towner, Traill and Walsh Counties.

An image of Becca Hennessy-Northwest Field Representative

Becca Hennessy

Northwest Field Representative

Provides support and leadership opportunities for NDFB members in Divide, Williams, Burke, Mountrail, Renville, Ward, McLean, Sheridan, Bottineau, McHenry, Rolette and Pierce counties. 

An image of Alisha Nord-Donnelly-Southeast Field Representative

Alisha Nord-Donnelly

Southeast Field Representative

Provides support and leadership development opportunities for NDFB members in Barnes, Cass, Dickey, Emmons, Kidder, LaMoure, Logan, McIntosh, Ransom, Richland, Sargent, Stutsman and Wells counties. Serves as NDFB advisor to NDSU Collegiate Farm Bureau.

An image of Molly Holt-Southwest Field Representative

Molly Holt

Southwest Field Representative

Provides support and leadership development opportunities for NDFB members in Burleigh, Morton, Oliver, Mercer, Grant-Sioux, McKenzie, Dunn, Stark-Billings, Hettinger, Adams, Bowman and Golden Valley counties. Serves as an advisor to DSU Collegiate Farm Bureau.
