No new classes scheduled - check back for online opportunities in the future

Register your School or Classroom for Breakout Activity

Join your students as you discover our world of mystery and intrigue! We will bring our breakout boxes to demonstrate how educators can use the escape room phenomena to engage students in their learning. Participants will be racing against the clock to “break out” as they and their teammates collaborate, communicate, and problem solve using their collective skills to propel them to success. We will offer resources and tips to help educators get started with using or designing breakout games for their learning community. Click here to indicate interest in having us come to your school.


In-Service Workshops for your School

Are you looking for a fun and engaging in-service for your educators? We will come to your school and provide a variety of options for credit classes, suitable for K-12. The classes are supported by grant dollars and are offered at no cost to your school. The only cost for the educators is a $50 credit recording fee payable to NDSU. These can be scheduled by administrators for the entire school staff or per request by teachers.  Click here to indicate interest in having us come to your school for an in-service course.

