
    FLP Institute - Growing the Mindset - Day 2 of 2

    Download Event

    Date/Time: Friday August 03 at 
    Location: Jon L Wenzel Center for Scouting, 4200 19th Ave S, Fargo  



    Growing with STEAM!

    This course will allow teachers to work together to experience real world application of STEM and to explore opportunities for art to naturally fit in as an applied subject for STEAM. The course will provide an overview of strategies, materials, curriculum development, and research related to assisting the Pre-K- 12th grade educators to better understand the interdependence of agriculture, the environment, and human needs through lessons in multiple curriculum areas: language arts, science, health, art, consumer education, mathematics, social studies, geography, and more. Many creative lessons shared that help develop understanding, thinking skills, creativity, and improve communication skills with students.

    Download the Growing with STEAM syllabus

    Click here to register

