

Succession Planning with Jolene Brown

Download Event

Date/Time: Friday March 22 at 9:30 AM
Location: Festival Hall, 604 Hwy 15, Fessenden  

Jolene Brown is a walking, talking spokesperson and champion for the people of agriculture. She is a farmer in eastern Iowa, contributor to Successful Farming magazine’s popular family business column, author of two great books, and an inductee into the prestigious CPAE Speaker Hall of Fame.

Her workshop entitled, “If we huff and puff, will we blow your house down?” addresses the issues of communication and conflict, fair and equal, entitlement and transition of the family farm. Listen to the Straight Talk podcast with Jolene. This free event will run from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and includes a lunch. To make sure there is enough food for everyone, we ask that you RSVP to

Download a flier from Jolene for this event.

Listen to the Straight Talk podcast with her:


