January 8, 2021
A rancher's 2021 goals
Topic: Leadership
by Haley Robison, NDFB Southwest Field Representative
As I reflect on the year, I looked back at the goals I set for 2020. I prefer to set goals for the current year, the next 5 years, and then 10-year goals rather than making resolutions. As tough as the year was for everyone, I realize that 2020 was a really good year for reaching my goals. Covid allowed me more time to put in extra effort to attain those goals. I found myself checking off boxes under my 2020 goals and also under my 5-year goals! It’s a great feeling to be able to check off one of those boxes!
Getting so much accomplished in 2020 has me excited to start 2021. I have learned that if I stay off social media, I can keep a positive outlook on the year to come. There is always so much work to be done on a ranch. Our place is a work in progress, and we have many goals for 2021.
Read the rest of Haley's post on My NDFB Life.