January 25, 2019
Get to know Emmery
Topic: Leadership
By Emmery Mehlhoff, NDFB Public Policy Liaison
Agriculture is my blood.
I grew up on a grain farm in Wimbledon. My earliest memory is riding with Dad in the tractor, old buddy-seat style. I was his right hand girl from the start. I soaked in every field pass, every load of wheat, and even put stamps on all the bills. I mimicked him through my childhood and when I dug my first field, I went around the slough just like Dad did, always pointing the tractor away from the water.
I dug fields and picked rocks in middle school; planted fields and ran the combine in high school.
In 2010, I moved to Virginia for college where I received a bachelor’s in government. My interest in conservative government was rivaled only by my love for agriculture. I brought a Midwest perspective into my college classes and learned much about agriculture across the country in many sectors. While in Virginia, I interned for Kevin Cramer. His office saw my love for ag, and so I spent much of my time researching agriculture issues and communicating with his agriculture constituents.
Read the rest of Emmery's post on My NDFB Life.