
November 7, 2024

NDFB delegates to gather in Bismarck

Topic: Leadership

Bismarck, N.D. – NDFB members will gather on November 22-23, 2024, at the Bismarck Hotel and Convention Center for the 82nd NDFB Annual Meeting. The event is an opportunity for NDFB members, delegates, and industry experts to come together for a fun weekend packed with engaging discussions and collaborative decision-making.

The opening general session will begin at 2:00 p.m. on Friday and will lead into the House of Delegate Session, where delegates from across North Dakota come together to shape NDFB policy and advocate for the issues most important to the state’s farmers and ranchers. Friday evening will conclude with the NDFB Promotion and Education live auction, benefiting the scholarship program.

On Saturday, members will participate in district elections. They will vote for representatives who will guide NDFB in its mission to enhance the livelihood of all North Dakota communities by advocating for agriculture.

The NDFB Annual Meeting will also feature guest speaker John Kriesel on Saturday night. Kriesel will share a powerful message of hope and live testimony to the value of a positive attitude in overcoming any challenge.

For more information about the NDFB 82nd Annual Meeting, please visit our Annual Meeting event page.
