March 31, 2020
NDFB names 2020 scholarship recipients
Topic: Education
Image by Mark Mags from Pixabay
The NDFB Promotion and Education Committee announced ten individuals have been awarded $1,000 scholarships through the NDFB Foundation.
The money is raised through an auction at the NDFB Annual Meeting in November. Auction items are donated by county Farm Bureaus and volunteers.
“This past year, we held a special Night Out with the NDFB Foundation at Fargo Brewing Company, and it was tremendously successful,” said NDFB Director of Organizational Development Joey Bailey. “We’d like to thank all our members who were so generous. It means so much to us to be able to award these deserving students to help further their education.”
The Becki Palmer Scholarship, for high school seniors, honors an NDFB employee who lost her battle with cancer in 2006. The winners are:
Lauren Knoll of Fargo
McKenzie Woodall of Granville
Calli Hennessy of Stanley
Ally Bauer of Berthold
Chase Rygg of Northwood
The NDFB Agriculture Scholarship is for an undergraduate student majoring in agriculture that has completed or will be completing their freshman year of post-secondary school. The winner is:
Jayden MacDonald of Bismarck.
The NDFB Family Membership Scholarship is awarded to a current Farm Bureau member or family member who has or will have completed their freshman year of college. The winners are:
Jacquelyn McCleary of Enderlin
Paige Haakenson of Aneta
The Future of Agriculture Scholarship is for students graduating high school this spring that are enrolled in an agriculture college. The winners are:
Tristen Uglem of Northwood
Seth Nelson of Grafton
If you would like to donate to the NDFB Foundation, go to