February 12, 2021
Something normal brings something needed
Topic: Events
By John Jacobson, NDFB Director of Member Relations
As always, when I’m tasked to write this column, I wait until the last minute to get something put onto paper. It’s not that I just found out about the due date; in fact, I’ve known for a good week when it was due. My problem is trying to write about something that people are remotely interested in. I think for days about a riveting topic that I could somehow magically put down on paper in such a way that would leave the reader in awe; or even better, spark a moment of enlightenment for the reader! I seem to have it nearly completely written out in my mind and as the moment it’s due draws nearer I recall less and less of what I had thought I’d write about.
Read the rest of John's post on My NDFB Life.