February 25, 2025
Shephard wins Discussion Meet
Topic: Events
Bismarck, N.D. – Samantha Shephard, a fourth-generation farmer from Crystal, North Dakota, won the NDFB Young Farmer and Rancher Discussion Meet held during the Farm and Ranch Conference in Bismarck on February 22, 2025.
The Discussion Meet is an intellectual exchange of ideas and information among participants on a predetermined agricultural topic. Shephard's knowledge and articulate discussions earned her not only recognition but a prize of $4,000. She will now advance to compete at the American Farm Bureau Federation 2026 Discussion Meet in Anaheim, Calif.
Shephard and her husband Thomas, who won the 2024 NDFB Discussion Meet, manage a diverse agricultural operation raising potatoes, corn, soybeans, wheat, and edible beans. In addition to their farming activities, Samantha is a professional bridal makeup artist. The couple is also proud parents of two children.
The other three finalists were Chance Lundberg from Killdeer, Samantha Rebel from Douglas, and Dylan Enger from Stanley. The final question posed to them centered on the landscape of American agriculture and the value of being a Farm Bureau member:
The landscape of American Agriculture and the picture of the "typical" American farm continues to change. Meanwhile, Farm Bureau will need to continue to recruit and retain members in order to be a vibrant and effective organization into the future. How can Farm Bureau continue to provide value and opportunity to welcome members from across the broad diversity of modern agriculture and American farmers and ranchers?
“The finalists demonstrated exceptional knowledge and outstanding discussion skills, truly showcasing their passion for agriculture,” said Joey Bailey, NDFB’s Director of Organizational Development. “We couldn’t be prouder of the final four competitors and all who participated in this year’s discussion meet.”