Natural & Environmental Resources

Section 700 Natural and Environmental Resources

Ag Chemicals
We oppose tariffs and regulations that would limit supply or increase prices in the generic pesticide market.---ID#:2734/25

We support the continued labeling and development of pesticides, GMO traits and other agricultural advancements. ---ID#: 2345/23

We support the funding of Project Safe Send.---ID#: 2661/24

We support the informative education of the public as to the benefits and safety of the application and use of pesticides and fertilizers.---ID#: 1879/23

Conservation Reserve Program
We believe payment rates for CRP should be below the county average rental rate.---ID#: 2727/25

We believe CRP should be signed up as intended for highly erodible acres. We also believe payment rates should be more in line with actual production value.---ID#:2625/24

Haying and Grazing
We believe, in years of drought, excessive water, and/or hay shortages, livestock shall take precedence over wildlife for the purpose of early haying and/or grazing on CRP acres.---ID#: 1630/24

If CRP is released for emergency haying or grazing, the local Farm Service Agency should be the lead agency and work
primarily with agricultural organizations in determining starting dates and rules for haying or grazing CRP.---ID#: 190/25

We believe the state Farm Service Agency (FSA) director should be able to release CRP for hay or grazing at the discretion of the FSA county committee.---ID#:2758/25

We believe that livestock should take precedence over wildlife for the purpose of water access, haying and/or grazing on CRP acres.---ID#: 2282/25

Endangered Species
We oppose legislation to restrict farming and ranching in favor of threatened and/or endangered species.---ID#: 1998/24

Environmental Quality
We oppose the spread of misinformation in regard to livestock being the main source of greenhouse gasses.---ID#:2406/23

We oppose the federal regulation of emissions from our power plants and other sources. We recommend they be regulated by the N.D. Dept. of Environmental Quality with the cooperation of local government.---ID#:2493/25

We believe carbon is an essential ingredient for plant growth and development to sustain food and oxygen
for the world. We do not support using taxpayers or private dollars to remove this important ingredient from our atmosphere.---ID#: 2647/24

We object to the Environmental Protection Agency's involvement in agriculture and support defunding it.---ID#: 2122/23

Pollution regulations, which mandate changes in farming practices, should be based on scientific research that proves a
given farming practice, in a particular geography, is in fact causing the pollution and is not caused by other sources and that the proposed regulations will actually reduce pollution.---ID#: 2127/23

Hunting and Trapping
Any future “No Hunting or Trespassing” laws should not have special exclusions or privileges for hunters.---ID#: 2392/23

We support a loss of hunting privileges and/or stiffer financial penalties for people who trespass on private land.---ID#:

We support an expansion of youth and senior hunting programs.---ID#: 2544/23

We support baiting of big game animals as a method of take on private property to control Cervidae populations.---ID#:

We believe there should be an option made available for minors actively engaged in farming or ranching to qualify for a gratis license.---ID#: 2704/24

We support North Dakota property owners' rights to continue to control all types of hunting, including high-fence hunting, on their property. Property owners or lessees shall decide who hunts their land, and if they prefer, to charge a fee to the hunter for that privilege. We further believe that hunting and recreational rights are land uses, not
property title, and therefore, cannot be severed from the surface title of the land.---ID#: 159/23

We support a method whereby extortion mitigation money would go to the landowners affected and not the wildlife
groups.---ID#: 2355/23

Predator Control
We ask the state Game and Fish Department and USDA Wildlife Services Division to provide adequate funding for
the predator control division of the Wildlife Services Department for the control of predators and other problematic animals for ranchers, farmers, and others.---ID#: 2464/24

We support the use of mechanical vehicles such as snowmobiles and side by sides, etc. for the control of predators.---ID#: 2350/23

We believe farmers and ranchers should be allowed to take the necessary steps, including elimination, to keep wildlife
from destroying tangible property. Steps should include allowing transferable depredation tags for antlerless deer being
made available to landowners in addition to regular hunting season licenses.---ID#:2703/24

We support the use of thermal and night vision in the control of predators all year round.---ID#: 2660/24

We support creating legislation that would require the North Dakota Game and Fish Department and/or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to pay agricultural producers for wildlife depredation of livestock, crops and stored feed. The producer should be paid for losses at market price or contract price.---ID#:1813/23

In the event that a producer is found to have destructive wildlife on their property, the North Dakota Game and
Fish Department shall be required to make every effort to disperse the wildlife by any means necessary.---ID#: 1654/24

Public and Government Owned Lands
We oppose government state and federal agencies actively bidding and participating in land purchases for the purpose of conservation parks, recreation and green space.---ID#: 2420/24

We oppose any Wilderness or Wildland Projects, such as 30x30 that turns land into preserves or parks, or national
monuments that erode the tax base in an area.---ID#: 2505/25

We oppose using state conservation funds to purchase land.---ID#: 2167/23

We support a no net gain of government or conservation group-owned land, county by county and state by state.---ID#: 1871/23

We believe the 12,000 acres of land around Theodore Roosevelt National Park's Elkhorn Ranch site should not be
placed on the National Register of Historic Places.---ID#: 1359/25

We oppose the federal "wild and scenic" designation for any rivers and their tributaries in North Dakota and oppose
wilderness land designation in the state.---ID#: 2085/25

General Management
Burn bans should be observed by all government agencies on lands they control.---ID#: 2490/25

We believe that government agencies should control noxious weeds on land under their control.---ID#: 2084/25

Transfer of Public Lands
We oppose the gifting of public lands to any organization.---ID#: 2502/25

We support the sale of federal and state land back to the private sector.---ID#:2503/25

We believe that all agricultural land repossessed by government agencies should be put up for sale to private individuals and that no government entity or wildlife groups, such as Ducks Unlimited, Pheasants Forever, etc.,
should be allowed to obtain it or be granted easements or acquire existing surface and mineral rights.---ID#:2511/25

We believe that when land is flooded by navigable lakes, and when the water recedes, the ownership should be returned to the people based on the property lines at the time of flooding.---ID#: 2025/24

Water Policy
We oppose any changes in the Clean Water Act referring to expanding the Waters of the United States (WOTUS).---ID#: 2568/23

We oppose the Global Diversity Framework that focuses on freshwater biodiversity not included in the 30x30 initiative of 2022.---ID#: 2570/23

We believe before a permit is granted for the pumping of surface water for commercial use, the granting entity should require the grantee to notify adjacent landowners.---ID#: 2701/24

We support compensation to property owners flooded by state water.---ID#:2005/24

We oppose any attempt to diminish agriculture and livestock's priority ranking for the waters of the state under
the jurisdiction of the State Water Commission.---ID#: 993/25

Drain Tile
We encourage state, counties, and townships to help and not hinder field tiling, since it helps reduce erosion and
runoff water, thus improving the overall quality of watersheds.---ID#: 2334/25

We support the agricultural use of drain tile both as a conservation tool and as a flood mitigation tool. We oppose
regulatory policy of damming or blocking drain tile without just compensation.---ID#: 1549/23

We support legislation stating wetlands less than one acre cannot be classified as permanent and are not subject to any
form of government regulation.---ID#:2310/25

Weather and Atmospheric Conditions
We oppose weather modification.---ID#:2459/24

We oppose state funding for the weather modification program.---ID#: 2357/23

We believe naturally occurring precipitation is a private property right.---ID#: 2494/25

Weed Control
We support the concept of local control of noxious weeds through county weed boards, city and township officials and
recommend noxious weed laws be enforced and support stiffer penalties for those who make no effort to control noxious weeds in a timely manner on land they own or control, including but not limited to parks, railroads,  city, state and federal lands, all roadways and wildlife refuges. If local officials are unable or unwilling to enforce said laws, the North Dakota Ag Commissioner shall be charged to enforce said laws.---ID#:2321/25

We believe the North Dakota Highway Department or county weed board should do timely spraying of noxious weeds
along highway right-of-ways.---ID#:2700/24
