General Agriculture
Section 100 - General Agriculture
101.00 Agricultural Credit and Finance Policy
We encourage the development of more beginning and young farmer/rancher loan programs at low interest rates.---ID#: 2331/22
102.00 Agricultural Marketing
We shall work with other agricultural organizations and commodity groups to promote the American consumers' right to an informed purchasing choice and to promote the benefit of American grown produce.---ID#: 2398/23
We support the continued education of the public on the benefits of agriculture technologies.---ID#: 2000/24
103.00 Agricultural Research and Extension
We support the State Board of Agricultural and Research Extension (SBARE) prioritizing the funding for the Agricultural Experiment Station and NDSU Extension. We encourage all groups affected by the Agricultural Experiment Station and NDSU Extension to participate in the SBARE process.---ID#: 2337/23
We support a proactive stance in the research, development, commercialization and marketing for hemp production.---ID#: 2382/23
We support funding for 4-H fees.---ID#: 2278/22
We oppose a nutrient management program that mandates farmers' and ranchers' participation. We support education for nutrient management practices. We also oppose outside interests such as industry suppliers having input on such a
program. However, any programs should be based in sound science with input from farmers and ranchers.---ID#: 2279/22
We believe that any funding derived from the state designated for the Agriculture Experiment Station and/or to NDSU Extension, is to be determined by the State Board of Agricultural and Research Extension (SBARE).---ID#: 2314/22
We support the USDA-ARS Northern Crops Science Lab, USDA-ARS Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory, NDSU Extension Service, NDSU Research Centers, Northern Crops Institute and USDA-ARS Human Nutrition Laboratory.---ID#: 1098/22
We support continued research on the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) in production agriculture and support legislation to allow farmers to fly UAVs for agricultural uses on their own farms. In research or application, the
UAVs should not compromise business security, intellectual or private property rights of farmers
and ranchers or other business owners.---ID#: 2071/22
We support funding for agricultural research in the university system.---ID#: 1321/24
We support research and development of feeding livestock and animal feeding facilities that may lead to more feeding and marketing of livestock and livestock products in North Dakota and promote the use of our feed grains and byproducts.---ID#: 1699/24
104.00 Commodity Groups
We support all agricultural commodity groups in their efforts to promote agricultural commodities through research and market development.---ID#: 2318/22
All commodity checkoffs should be voluntary and refundable.---ID#: 2093/22
105.00 Crop Insurance
We support a private crop insurance option, independent of the federal government.---ID#:2136/23
106.00 Grain Bonding and Bankruptcy
We support legislation that protects unsecured debtors in prepay agreements and contracts against financial loss.---ID#: 1710/22
We support law that directs bankruptcy courts to recognize legal scale tickets, warehouse receipts, and receipts for fertilizer, chemicals and other inputs held by farmers as legal documents indicating that they are the legal owners of such property held in a bankrupt elevator or warehouse.---ID#: 1790/22
107.00 Grain Regulation
We support state regulation and verification of accuracy of protein, falling numbers, Deoxynivalenol (DON), and other grain quality testers used in the commercial purchase of commodities.---ID#: 2351/23
108.00 Labor
We believe employers should hire only legal employees.---ID#: 2372/23