Route 1000 Registration Post Form

There will be no further reminders sent, so be sure to make a note to yourself or print a copy of your event registration as a reminder.

You must provide your Driver's License number, so be sure to bring it to the class.

Class size is limited to 25 participants, so please register early. We are allowing a 10 percent over-booking for each class in case of last-minute cancellations.

When registering, please fill out all fields completely. Once you hit the register button, you should be taken to a confirmation page. If you do not see this page, please check your registration information again and fill in the fields highlighted in red.

A parent or guardian must fill out the following registration information completely.

*Must enroll before teen driver's 18th birthday to be eligible*.

Legal Parent/Guardian Information

Route 1000 - Bismarck 03/25/2025

You must be a Farm Bureau member to participate in Route 1000. If you are not a member, you will have an opportunity to purchase a membership immediately after the class.

Teen Driver Information
