Meet the Young Farmers & Ranchers Committee
The YF&R program provides opportunities for young men and women to participate in activities designed to develop agricultural leadership and improve their farms and ranches. Many county Farm Bureaus also have active YF&R groups. Learn more here or contact NDFB Director of Leadership Development, Joey Bailey. Visit the YF&R page on Facebook.

YF&R Chair
Chance and Nicole Kitzman
Upham, N.D.
Chance and Nicole are also the District 6 representatives on the committee. They raise corn, soybeans, oats, and canola near Upham. They got involved in Farm Bureau because they feel it is getting more and more important to keep a strong voice out there for young farmers. In addition, they believe farmers and ranchers should be involved in forming policy and "Farm Bureau strengthens that voice immensely." They have one child.

District 1
Devin Flanders
Minto, N.D.
Devin farms near Minto raising corn, soybeans, wheat, barley and sunflowers. He has been a member of Collegiate Farm Bureau and says he got involved with NDFB because it is a "great organization that aligns with my views and I wanted to get involved."

District 2
Matt & Bethany Peterson
Jamestown, N.D.
Matt and Bethany own and operate an agronomy and Pioneer seed business, Aligned Ag Inc., in Wimbledon, N.D. Matt and Bethany farm in Barnes County, and in Roseau County, Minn., where Bethany’s family farm is. They look forward to becoming more involved with NDFB by representing District 2.

District 3
Haylee Viger
Wahpeton, N.D.
Haylee lives in Wahpeton, with her husband, Alex. She works for the North Dakota Department of Agriculture as an Agriculture and Livestock Development Specialist and an Ag Program Inspector. Her husband is an ag pilot. She became involved with Farm Bureau at NDSU with Collegiate Farm Bureau, and continues to be a member because it gives a voice and support to those working in agriculture on many different platforms with many different resources.

District 4
Amber and Kevin Gustafson
Devils Lake, N.D.
Amber grew up on her family's ranch near Warwick, N.D. Kevin was raised on his great grandparents' homestead near Adams, N.D. In 2021, the couple was handed the reigns of Amber's father's ranch after his unexpected passing. Since then, they have been proud to continue the legacy the Jacobson farm put into motion generations ago.
They say they have learned a great deal through trial and error and from leaning on helpful friends, neighbors, and colleagues. "Because of the guidance we have received, we know the importance of being a resource to others and building a sense of community. We look forward to the chance to connect with others, gain knowledge, and serve North Dakota agriculture."

District 5
Kayla Hart
Fessenden, N.D.
Kayla's family farms and ranches near Fessenden and raises corn, soybeans, wheat and has a commercial SimAngus feed lot and a custom corn chopping business. She is the program coordinator for the ND FFA Foundation and says she got involved in NDFB to create a voice for District 5 farmers and ranchers as well as get involved in agriculture advocacy.

District 7
Samantha and Levi Vangsness
Mandan, N.D.
Samantha and Levi graze yearlings and have been active on the county Farm Bureau board. Samantha says the reason they became involved in Farm Bureau is to have a voice at the state and federal level on issues that impact farmers and ranchers.

District 8
Nathan and Cassie Brandt
Stanley, N.D.
Nathan and Cassie farm and ranch near Stanley, raising wheat, canola, soybeans, and Black Angus cattle. They have been active in Mountrail County Farm Bureau and say they wanted to be more involved on the district and state levels and to meet other young farmers and ranchers from across the state.

District 9
Alex and Sarah Nielsen
New England, N.D.
Alex and Sarah farm and ranch, raising durum, canoloa, corn, spring wheat and Black Simmental/Angus cattle. Alex is Hettinger County Farm Bureau President and served as vice president of the District 9 YF&R. The couple say they wanted to be involved in Farm Bureau because "it does such wonderful things to support farmers and ranchers throughout the state."