
December 19, 2017

The how-to list

John Deere, one of NDFB's out-standing member-benefits providers, has a stockpile of useful "how-to" videos.

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December 18, 2017

Be ready for anything

When you’re your own boss, every job matters.

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December 15, 2017

Reaching out to help those in need

Travis Binde, NDSU Collegiate Farm Bureau President, shares what it was like boxing food donations at Great Plains Food Bank.

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December 12, 2017

Engaging for agriculture

NDFB President Daryl Lies is in Washington, D.C. this week at the American Farm Bureau Federation resolutions meeting.

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December 9, 2017

It's in the giving...

New on the My NDFB Life blog, a post from NDFB Organizational Director Joey Myers...

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December 5, 2017

NDFB requests Dicamba change

NDFB reached out to Ag Commissioner Doug Goehring to share its concerns about Dicamba label requirements. Check out this week's Dialogue with Daryl for more...

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December 2, 2017

Agriculture's future is in good hands

New on the My NDFB Life blog...

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December 1, 2017

C n ou re d his s t ce eff tl sly?

Tired more than usual? It may be hearing loss.

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November 22, 2017

Giving thanks for ag

It's about giving thanks in this week's Dialogue with Daryl.

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November 21, 2017

Turkey trivia

Looking for some interesting, lesser-known facts related to Thanksgiving? Check out our turkey trivia.

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November 19, 2017

NDFB elects leaders

Delegates to the 75th NDFB Annual Meeting, held at the Holiday Inn, Fargo, Nov. 17-18, reelected Daryl Lies of Douglas, to a two-year term as NDFB President.

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November 17, 2017

Advocating for ag's story

"We don't sell widgets. We sell a philosophy." NDFB President Daryl Lies delivers his annual address during the opening session of the 75th Annual Meeting.

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November 14, 2017

75 years in the making

As we prepare to celebrate 75 years of NDFB, it seems history does repeat itself.

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November 7, 2017

Educator guides for Food and Farm Facts

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Educator guides for Food and Farm Facts, the American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture’s 32-page, full-color book of facts and easy-to-read infographics, are now available for grades 4-6 and 7-12.

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