Marketing in uncertain times


    April 6, 2022

    Marketing in uncertain times

    Topic: Issues




    In this episode of Straight Talk with NDFB, Emmery and Ezra visit with Ray Grabanski, president of Progressive Ag risk management firm. They visit about high input costs, rising fuel prices, strained trade relationships and how to make sound marketing decisions in uncertain times. 

    We talk about: 

    • Managing risk in times of inflation 
    • How politics and global events influence the markets
    • Make good decisions in the midst of crises
    • Marketing techniques and timeline (how to recognize when to sell)

    Progressive Ag is a multi-state risk management firm whose mission is to provide farmers with a marketing plan to capture prices in the top one-half of the market while reducing risk.

    Reach Ray at (701) 277-9210 or

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    Other episodes can be found on our Straight Talk page or visit the Straight Talk website for more detailed information about each episode.
